Thursday, November 5, 2009

Like a Solid Rock

Well, for today I figured I would spend time on those people who have been my rock throughout this journey.

My husband- God bless him for being such a loving husband. I have always said he is my number one fan and cheerleader, and he makes sure that I am taken care of as well as our family. With all that being said, he has rode along on this roller coaster ride sitting right by my side, holding my hand the whole way. When I wasn't sure if I would ever see the light at the end of the tunnel, he was there to reassure me that it would come. When I doubted everyone, when I stumbled in my faith, and when I was sure I could not go on, he challenged me and said, "Do you not believe that our God is more powerful than man? Do you not believe that God has a purpose for everything?" Oh how it was not what I wanted to hear, but it is what he and I both know is the truth. Our God is an awesome God. But,with his firmness, he also embraced me and let me know that he loved me know matter what. He gave me a shoulder to cry on, and ear to listen, and heart that was filled with unconditional love. What more could I ask for? I only hope and pray, that I can do the same in return for him. Oh how I love him, and may God lift him up for all that he has done for me.

My mother-I cannot put into words the connection that my mother and I have. It is one like no other, and if I had to name the many roles she has played in my life:my counselor, advisor, and friend, I would say these are only on the short list. Since I can remember, she has been able to read me like a book. There were times in which I wish she couldn't, but in the end was only to my benefit. Yet through it all, she is my inspiration. She is the one true person who "gets me." We can finish each other's sentences and thoughts, and we can laugh and make the other cry. But whatever it may be, we have endured it together, the thick and the thin. I love her for her ability to "jerk a not in my tail," and for her ability to "provide words of wisdom." On either end of the spectrum, she has always been able to help me maintain stability and faith in my life. I can't imagine my life without her, and her endless love and support for both my family and I are endless. She has provided for us in more ways than just those that are tangible. She has taught me so many things such as how to be strong, how to live according to God's word, and most of all the beauty and warmth of a mother's love. I love her with all my heart and soul, and I pray that she will realize the depths in which she has touched my life. Not a day goes by that I don't thank God for having her in my life.

My daughter- Only five years old, but has the mind and soul of a young lady. Since the day we told her I was pregnant, she has shown nothing but love for her brother. She kisses my belly, talks to him through my belly, and gives her brother hugs. Her innoncence revealed to me what society and science had jaded in my mind. She knew mommy would cry "because the baby had a hurt heart" so she asked her Sunday school class to pray for her brother. She knows that her brother might have some problems when he is born, but it hasn't stopped her from loving, kissing, and hugging him every night. It hasn't stopped her from practicing her reading and writing so she can teach him how to do the same things. She showed me the power and beauty of unconditional love. When I look at her, I realize the blessing she is to me, and I thank God for her.

My friends at work- There are many, but they all have been invaluable. Some of have carted me into their rooms to hear me cry my tears of sadness even when they themselves did not understand everything that was going on. There is one who has practically kept me afloat in my job and done so with no complaints and only offers to do more. There are those who tried to understand and offer their words of love, support, and sometimes just a hug. There are some who have prayed relentlessly for me and this baby, and I cannot tell them how much I appreciate it all. Regardless of their role, they have been there for me. I love them all and hope I can some day return the favor.

My best friend- Oh man I cannot thank her enough. The countless prayers, the book on Fear she mailed to me, and the words of love, faith, and strength that she has given me have only made me admire her more. She too is my rock, and I love her for everything she has done for me.

The others- It's funny, but I can't think of a word that can group together the countless others in my life who have and still do pray, send me cards, emails, and words of encouragement. The Peru Mission team who prayed for me and this baby even while spreading the word of God, the friends and coworkers of my family that have offered to pray for me or to cover for them so that they can be there for me. The countless church members who have expressed their kind words and added me to their prayers, and I am sure that there are some who I don't even know, but they are praying too. It is overwhelming, but it allows to me feel the presence of God in the midst of it all.

I cannot express enough my gratitude to everyone. I am truly blessed to have you all as a part of my life, and this baby boy, I know, can be rest assured that his life is one that has brought many people to their knees in prayer, and many hands lifted up in praise to God. Nothing short of a miracle.

Thank you and God Bless You!

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